Happy Christmas!


I suppose that I shouldn’t be surprised, but since I started blogging back in April of this year, I have noticed that my posts have been read, not just here in the United Kingdom, but all around the world, from the United States of America, to France, Germany, India, Spain, Canada, Romania, Switzerland, Ireland, Australia, Greece, Thailand, Cyprus, The Netherlands, Belgium, Cambodia, Portugal, Croatia, Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia, Italy, China, The Philippines and Slovenia. Thank you for reading my posts; some of you I’ve never met, but I hope that you’ve enjoyed them as much as I’ve enjoyed reading yours.

Today, my post is just a short and very simple message, but a heartfelt one nonetheless. It is simply to say to all my friends here on WordPress, and on Facebook and Pinterest, who also see these words and pictures:

I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas and hope that you are able to spend it with those whom you love. 




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